Info phone +49 48 61 96 200
Nationalpark-Zentrum Multimar Wattforum
Dithmarscher Str. 6a
25832 Tönning

Opening hours

Multimar Wattforum is open every day and all year round, exept December 24th:

from 10 am to 5 pm


We are looking forward to your visit!


You will find the prices for tickets here (in German) and in our shop for online tickets (in German).


0 48 61 96 200
Mo-Do 9-16 Uhr, Fr 9-14 Uhr
plus 24 Std. Ansage

Gastronomie & Shop

Restaurant Multimar Wattforum

Have a break in the restaurant

You can not only satisfy your thirst for knowledge in the Multimar Wattforum but also indulge yourself. Do you prefer coffee and cake or some of our regional culinary delights? Visit our restaurant!

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Nordsee Souvenirs im Shop des Multimar Wattforum

Visit the Multimar-Shop

At the end of your visit, we recommend our shop. Here you can find interesting books and nice souvenirs from the Wadden Sea.

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